As an employee of Centerplate, I recognize and understand that the workplace
electronic systems are the property of Centerplate and are to be used for
conducting Centerplate business only. I understand that use of this equipment
for private purposes is prohibited. I understand that Centerplate's prohibition
against sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment is extended to include the
use of electronic systems. I agree not to access a file or retrieve any stored
communication other than where authorized unless there has been prior clearance
by an authorized Centerplate representative.
I am aware that Centerplate reserves and will exercise the right to review, audit,
intercept, access, and disclose all matters on its electronic systems at any time,
with or without employee notice, and that such access may occur during or after
working hours. I am aware that the use of a Centerplate provided password, code,
or my own password on Centerplate's computer systems or software does not restrict
Centerplate's right to access electronic communications. I waive the right to assert
claims of invasion of privacy or any other claims arising out of or pertaining to
the use of the electronic systems against Centerplate. I am aware that violations of
this policy may subject me to disciplinary action, up to and including discharges
from employment.
I authorize that I have read and that I understand Centerplate's policy regarding
electronic systems and that I have read and that I understand this notice. Further,
I understand that Centerplate has the ability to override any password for the
purposes of system security and monitoring.